1. If Blender Console Controler is opened, close Blender. If not, just go to the step 2.
  2. In the maz_consoleControlPanel_3_Pro.rar, there is a file called “uninstaller.txt”. or you can copy the code below.
import bpy
#[Make sure Blender Console Controler doesn't open]
bpy.ops.preferences.addon_disable(module = 'maz_consoleControlPanel')
bpy.ops.preferences.addon_remove(module = 'maz_consoleControlPanel')
bpy.ops.preferences.addon_remove(module = 'maz_consoleControlProperty')
  1. Paste the code in the script editor.


  1. Press Run Script Button.


  1. Close Blender.
  2. Go to the folder: You must replace “name” with your user name.
C:\\Users\\name\\AppData\\Roaming\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\3.0\\scripts\\addons
C:\\Users\\name\\AppData\\Roaming\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\3.1\\scripts\\addons
  1. Delete the folder, “mayalizer”


  1. Done.